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phil's wood/ record player / powered banding-wheel,

updated thu 3 feb 05


pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on tue 1 feb 05

small Throwing Wheel, Buh-hay-beeee T- Pots, and...

Hi Kelly,


I feel inspired now, lately in general, to start brooding
on a lot of things that could be useful...and maybe to see
about making some of 'em.

I gotta get my Car done and off them Jack Stands so I got
some room TO do anything in here...'first'...but...

Did some prelim looksees into small Motors and Speed
Controlls for them, as just might make for some tidy little
portable outfit that could be nice for throwing little Pots,
or, as a power-rotated Banding Wheel...and that even with
new Components, might not be too big of a bite-in-the-ass to
call one's own.

I will report back when I have something more definite to
say on that.

Been brooding on Pnuematic Extruders that could be hand-held
or Bench Mount (yea, bench mount would be best i think)
with-a-foot-pedal controll for one's metering the Air to
it...any boy or girl with an Air Compressor could really
have an easier time of it with one o' them...the Foot pedal
would let your hands be free, which I would like if it were

Anyone likeing these notions, feel free to send me some
encourages or other?

Odds and thoughts...who knows, maybe i will find
room to do something with in my poor little
punkin hay'd is the hardest thing to find sometimes.

As for that long-away post Glaciated future? where them
future folks can speculate (in Chinee most likely) in idle
moments on just who the heck we-all might have been afore
these lands got scraped clean and all? Well...if Methusela
and I break from our poker games, I will certainly be glad
to sharpen anyone's anything.

The "Guess Who" were/was genious...'American Woman',
wow...(somebody did a cover of it that sucks, like most
now-covers of 'then' songs do...sigh...sucked big-time...had
they no friends to disuade them?)

Three Dog Night maybe would make an okay Bat I recon, but
not before a few hundred others.

"Fever Tree"... ("San Francisco Girl"...their one-hit work
of absolute genious, deserves a nod...)

'Keif Hartly'...? No one remembers him...several works of
genious there, "Just to Cry"..."You say you're together
now"...others...obscure now...maybe was obscure then...

"Country Joe and the Fish"...still hits me right 'here' (
points to solar plexus, more or less) ...

Jeff Beck, "Beck's Bolero"

Pink Floyd's "Careful with that Axe Eugene" ( the 'early'
rendition...) Mmmmmmmm...

And I still like all that 'early' Grace Slick...Jefferson
Airplane...a lot...(The 'original "White Rabbit" rendition
that no one ever seems to have heard of...which was a sort
of Orientalism in it's way...and...)...anyway...




Okay, back-to-work...!

el ve

----- Original Message -----
From: "primalmommy"

> Phil, if they do indeed find one of your bison tools
several milennia
> hence -- no doubt still in the bony grip of a skeletal,
grinning potter
> -- the beveled cutting edge will still be sharp. And if
not, I am sure
> yoou'd offer to sharpen it for a pittance -- as I suspect
you have a
> time machine secreted somewhere in your shop -- and are
just visiting
> our century on vacation. Or perhaps are delayed here,
unable to find
> non-ISO parts to repair your time machine...
> I went today and got the darn record player to throw my
baby pots. It is
> quiet as a mouse and has two speeds (45 and 33.) The only
challege is
> that the damn thing goes BACKWARD. I can't tell you how
many times I set
> to work on the wrong "quadrant".
> My intention was to use my old Janis Joplin and Guess Who,
Etta James
> and Three Dog Night albums as bats, but of course the
little stick in
> the middle had to go. I found a wide toothpaste lid that
jammed down in
> the opening quite nicely, scored the top for traction with
a dolin
> cutter, and I am starting with a fat carrot of clay and
throwing "off
> the hump".
> Connor, my middle child, has been bringing stacks of
riddle books home
> from the library and he is spending a lot of time trying
to invent
> riddles for us -- cat ones for Molly, spiderman ones for
tyler, fishing
> ones for grandpa. He offered me this one at breakfast:
> "What's the difference between a person who makes
colanders and a person
> who buries urns?"
> "One puts holes in pots, the other puts pots in holes."
> Not a rofl riddle, but he's getting the idea!
> Yours
> Kelly in Ohio
> nostalgic, just looking at a record player.. it's not the
first time
> I've had Muddy Waters on a record player ;0) (gotta try
that one out on
> Connor. )

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