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anybody interested in my collection of old studio potter magazines?

updated thu 10 feb 05


Terry Gess on sun 6 feb 05

I'm wondering if there is interest in my collection of Studio Potter magazines: I have a set of them
(published twice yearly) begining with Volume 1 Number 1 (from Fall, 1972) thru Volume 22,
Number 2. (I am however missing Volume 17, Number 2 and & Volume 18, Number 1 & 2 -- they
are still in print, however). My understanding is that the first 5 years are now out of print, and
presumably the older volumes will also expire someday.

Its such a wonderful magazine, and its such a pleasure to look back at the people and pots and
discussions of years past. My copies are in good condition, with one backcover dog eared and a
faint smell of mildew in most of them. I've no idea what to ask for them and I'd like to gauge
potential interest and to find a good home for them.

David Hendley on wed 9 feb 05

I am replying to this since I saw no responses on Clayart - maybe some
replied privately to Terry.
Except for Volumes I and II, I have the same collection. I can't begin to
describe how wonderful and useful this collection was, and is. Believe it
or not, I still, 30 years later, refer back to these magazine at least a
couple of times a year when researching a subject. There is the 'copper
red issue', the 'porcelain issue', 'the Bernard Leach issue', the
issue', and on and on.

If you are familiar with recent issues of Studio Potter, these early volumes
are quite different. There is a heavy emphasis on nuts-and-bolts technical
matters, solid information about running a studio pottery operation, and
down-to-earth advice, as well as philosophical and aesthetics musings.

David Hendley
Working hard to make sure there is no mug left behind

----- Original Message -----
> I'm wondering if there is interest in my collection of Studio Potter
magazines: I have a set of them
> (published twice yearly) begining with Volume 1 Number 1 (from Fall, 1972)
thru Volume 22,
> Number 2. (I am however missing Volume 17, Number 2 and & Volume 18,
Number 1 & 2 -- they
> are still in print, however). My understanding is that the first 5 years
are now out of print, and
> presumably the older volumes will also expire someday.
> Its such a wonderful magazine, and its such a pleasure to look back at the
people and pots and
> discussions of years past. My copies are in good condition, with one
backcover dog eared and a
> faint smell of mildew in most of them. I've no idea what to ask for them
and I'd like to gauge
> potential interest and to find a good home for them.