pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on sat 12 feb 05
Hi Earl,
My thought...
Put a 'collar' on the upside-down rotating Mug, kinda like
the kind Veterinarians install on Dogs sometimes...something
made of thin cardblard, or made out of an empty plastic
gallon jug or some thin flexible sheet material of some kind
maybe...cut for the purpose, pinned or fastened if it has a
slit, with a couple paperclips or something...a kind of
shallow cone or cup form even, whose center hole would fit
the diameter of the Mug's bottom sticking up through.
Or, cut the bottom out of an empty Gallon Paint Can, and
then Tin-Snip it to the height you want, set it over the
You will not knock the Handle off...then...
Or, if with no safety-device, but with Art Carney style
dramatic flair ( you know, that cool guy on that old tee-vee
show, the 'Honey Mooners'?) adjust your cuffs and arms in
decided ritual, and...work from 'above'...
That's what I'd do, if it were me...
Good Luck...
el ve
----- Original Message -----
From: "URL Krueger"
> Dumb question #4732.
> I want to try footrings on the bottom of some mugs.
> I have been putting handles on flat bottom mugs before the
> clay is dry enough for trimming. If I continue following
> this approach then the handle will be spinning around when
> I trim and I'll probably knock it off. If I wait until
> body is dry enough to trim and I want about the same
> moisture content in the handle and body when I join them
> then the handle will probably crack when I bend it or it
> may not stick well.
> Oh, what to do, what to do?
> What do you do?
> Thanks...
> Earl...
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