Carl Finch on thu 24 feb 05
When someone writes to Clayart saying, "My new Skuff 1037 kiln underfires,"
nobody fires back, "Well, if you had half a brain you'd have bought an
Paradigm with 5" thick walls. Those Skuffs are infamous for that!"
Nope--suggestions come across for Help.
But write in about a computer/software problem and all too often
suggestions (or worse) come pouring in (along with the requested help) that
one should install a new and completely different operating system or even
a new and different computer (and all problems will be solved).
Hellooo?! I've read enough posts on this list, I think, to hazard a guess
that the majority of Clayarters are rather less interested in becoming
computer geeks than in improving their ceramic skills. And that many of
them are really quite far from having more than a tenuous grasp of this
computer stuff.
For my own part, I made a choice (Mac vs. PC) back in 1984. Based upon
(1st) applications I wanted to run, (2nd) availability of support, and
(3rd) hardware cost, I chose an IBM PC.
Since then I have purchased and learned to use several thousand dollars
worth of additional application software--and, of course, newer and faster
computers. It would be absurd for me to switch to a different (i.e.,
incompatible) computer or operating system. The cost of finding,
purchasing and learning new (possibly) comparable programs would be
I somehow find it far easier to simply download free firewall and antivirus
programs, and, as I've written before, let my ISP catch 100% of the spam
sent my way.
For those just starting out, and unlikely ever to need anything beyond
email, web browsing, and letter writing, it probably makes no difference
which way one goes--but I would still suggest that my three 20 year old
criteria continue to be valid.
in Medford, Oregon
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