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nceca or bust!

updated sun 6 mar 05


PurpleLama@AOL.COM on sat 5 mar 05

Dear Clay Buds,

It looks like I will cut classes on March 17 and take the train down to NCECA. I will finally meet people I have been corresponding with and/or reading for years. And, oh yes, take advantage of the NCECA program for the day.

The question is how early should I get to Balto. The 6:05 am train gets in at 7:25 and the 7:40 train gets in at 8:51. From the program, it looks like if I take the later train, I won’t get into the simultaneous demos that begin at 9. But if I take the early train, I may have some time to kill. What time does the ClayArt room open? Or is there anyone going out for breakfast on Thursday who wouldn’t mind a day tripper to join? (It’s not that I can’t entertain myself. I always have lots of studying to do. But it would be nice to start the day by hanging out with some ClayArters.)

Thanks for your help. And hope to see many of you at NCECA soon.

In Filthadelphia, PA
AKA Philadelphia, PA USA
Packing for my L.A. job hunting trip (and thaw out time). I leave tomorrow and have several job interviews set up. Cross your fingers, light candles, whatever is appropriate. I do so want to return to southern CA. A year of school in the city of my birth and childhood is enough!
65 days until my last final in the BSN program. But who’s counting? ;-)