Jackie on wed 9 mar 05
Ilene Mahler wrote: "I am asking local people Like Millie Carpenter where =
and who to call for a chair so I can get around the conference and not =
rely completely on darvoset..."
You , and others that have a hard time getting around, may want to consider
getting a "Rollator". This is a walker with four wheels, a seat and basket.
You can walk behind it or sit on it and scoot yourself around. You have
much more freedom that a wheel chair and it folds, so you could take it on
the Tour de Clay.
I called a large medical supply store, they do not have one available
($369), nor do they rent them. They have the more expensive models
available. I paid $180 for mine - mail order. I was hoping I could buy one
and bring it to NCECA. For the cost of a wheel chair rental you may be able
to buy a Rollator at home and bring it along. I wouldn't be able to attend
NCECA if I didn't one. A web site where you can see them is
www.northernpharmacy.com Go to "self care and patient care" then
"ambulatory" If you decide you would like me to get you the expensive model, let me
know. You could call the pharmacy and have them hold one for you. I could
pick it up and bring it to NCECA. Hopefully, you will find a less expensive
in your area. We clay gimps have to stick together.
Contact me directly: jackie@theelfworks.com
Jackie Aiken
Edgewood, MD
POTTERY: It's a wet, dirty job, but somebody has to do it.
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