Jan Goodland Metz on sun 20 mar 05
Hi Jean,
Yes! Bill Van Gilder was wonderful, I really enjoyed him. He had lots of new
ideas for me, like flattening a bottle, and incising the lid with a dowel from
a closed form and cutting it off, can't wait to try that. I really didn't know
much about him before I went. He was worth the trip for me.
I'm good with maps and I couldn't read them....they were very unclear, they
should of hired a graphic designer to do them......
was thinking about Bill's fishtail handles just a minute ago, and his "crack
line" as I looked at the base of a handle on.....a cup (from a rock star
potter...it happens to all of us i guess) with a slight lifting of the base of
the handle, needs a "crack line".
so sorry to hear of your loss, good luck, I'm 5 years new to pottery, so people
everyone knows, turn out to be new to me. Just putting 2 and 2 together in that
Dick Lehman must have been your husband? I recently read a book he did on
woodfiring, I think about the introduction, where he tells his story of the
Chinese Elm trees. When I read that I realized that these horrible trees are the
same ones I had a grove of on my farm 5 years ago in Ohio. miserable
trees....now I want to plant some!
who wore herself out throwing today, or maybe it was stoking the kiln all day
yesterday that did it....in sunny RI. Happy Spring! The last of the snow is
finally melting.
Quoting Jean Lehman :
> The demos were excellent (you can't find a better demonstrator or
> teacher than Bill Van Gilder!)
> The exhibitions were great. I can't handle the buses, which always
> seem to be a major problem at NCECA, so I had two handsome young men
> who drove my van so I could take my electric scooter. BUT, we had a
> LOT of trouble following the NCECA map. We spent at least an hour
> trying to find the Maryland Institute of Art, which had a lot of
> great exhibits.
> Jean,
> now back in Pennsylvania to face all the paperwork that one has to do
> when a husband passes on. A word to the wise: Consolidate your
> investments... get a financial advisor, (where we put our retirement
> money, but we also had other investments that we didn't turn over to
> him!) Every bank, every investment has complicated forms, and every
> one needs a death certificate, which you have to purchase.
> --
Jean Lehman on sun 20 mar 05
I didn't know if my reaction to NCECA was my general attitude at the
moment, or my jaded self from too many NCECAs, or NCECA itself. But
after reading other reactions, I do feel better. I thought the
panels, and talks were less inviting, more "artspeak" than other
The demos were excellent (you can't find a better demonstrator or
teacher than Bill Van Gilder!)
The exhibitions were great. I can't handle the buses, which always
seem to be a major problem at NCECA, so I had two handsome young men
who drove my van so I could take my electric scooter. BUT, we had a
LOT of trouble following the NCECA map. We spent at least an hour
trying to find the Maryland Institute of Art, which had a lot of
great exhibits.
Of course it was terrific to see our Clayart family people in the
basement room where we were out of the way of interlopers! Thanks to
all who helped get me out of the doldrums!!
I enjoyed Bill Daley (who did the closing lecture) but people
(especially the young ones) left his talk by the hundreds before it
I am glad I went to Baltimore, and I will go to Portland next year.
now back in Pennsylvania to face all the paperwork that one has to do
when a husband passes on. A word to the wise: Consolidate your
investments... get a financial advisor, (where we put our retirement
money, but we also had other investments that we didn't turn over to
him!) Every bank, every investment has complicated forms, and every
one needs a death certificate, which you have to purchase.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->
Jean Lehman,
jlehman73@earthlink.net (my personal email address)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->
Visit the 13th annual Strictly Functional Pottery National
at Southern Market Center, Lancaster, PA
Juror: John Glick
April 23-May 22 (M-F 9-5; Sat 10-4; Sun Noon-4)
Visit our new web site:
Last year's exhibit on line now;
See 2005 exhibit in full after it opens.
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