Jaymes on sat 26 mar 05
Thanks everyone for all the help!
I rec'd the following from KEITH PANKHURST--and I've found it to to =
produce a nice yellow color for ^ 5/6. Thank you Keith!
Custer feldspar 40
Gerstley 18
Whiting 16
EPK 10
SIlica 16
Mason Stain 5450 6
I've found that the optimal firing schedule for my Kiln is--
200 degrees F/Hr to 1200 degrees F
300 degrees F/Hr to 1800 degrees F
175 degrees F/Hr to 2126 degrees F
Hold 15 minutes
(Cool down)
390 degrees F/Hr to 1868 degrees F=20
175 degrees F/Hr to 1472 degrees F
Shut off kiln and let cool naturally
Thanks again Keith!
The Pottery Pimp
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