karen gringhuis on fri 25 mar 05
Regarding "Bad Restaurant in Balto" post - for future
reference .........
Wes' experience was certainly out of line and makes
one highly suspicious of concierges in general. But
if he could afford such a snooty place, next time
consider $12 for a Zagat guide - they must have those
in TX. (No it doesn't incl. Wes' restaurant.)
It's a compilation of reviews from John Q Public who's
too big to be bought and incl. an est. average price
per person so one is forewarned. I used it to good
advantage and had a great evening in a Fells Point
Don't leave home without it.
Karen Gringhuis
KG Pottery
Box 607 Alfred NY 14802
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Wayne Seidl on sat 26 mar 05
There is another excellent and often overlooked resource when
visiting a strange (to you) city...cabbies.
If a cabbie doesn't know where it is, it isn't worth going to.
Ours recommended Chiparelli's, and we crammed five of us into a cab
for a ride into Little Italy. Excellent food, and the VERY best
Tiramisu I've had in years.
I try to get a cabbie's phone number now if I'm going to be in town
a few days, and use them exclusively. They remember you, and will
often bend over backwards for you because "you chose them".
Don't you love human psychology?
Wayne Seidl
Regarding "Bad Restaurant in Balto" post - for future
reference .........
Wes' experience was certainly out of line and makes
one highly suspicious of concierges in general. But
if he could afford such a snooty place, next time
consider $12 for a Zagat guide - they must have those
in TX. (No it doesn't incl. Wes' restaurant.)
It's a compilation of reviews from John Q Public who's
too big to be bought and incl. an est. average price
per person so one is forewarned. I used it to good
advantage and had a great evening in a Fells Point
Don't leave home without it.
Karen Gringhuis
KG Pottery
Box 607 Alfred NY 14802
Kate Johnson on sat 26 mar 05
> There is another excellent and often overlooked resource when
> visiting a strange (to you) city...cabbies.
> If a cabbie doesn't know where it is, it isn't worth going to.
Amen to that, Wayne! I had the best "tour" of Boston between a friend's
house in Cambridge and the airport that I could imagine--and no, I don't
mean the cabbie took me all around the back 40, just that he knew something
fascinating about every place we passed--the history, the legends, the silly
stories. I'd wish to get him again when I go back, I should have gotten his
Kate Johnson
Art, History, Nature and More at Cathy Johnson's Cafepress--
Graphics/Fine Arts Press--
purplelama@AOL.COM on sat 26 mar 05
Ah, Wayne,
I forgot about Chiparelli's. Thanks for a trip down memory lane. When I lived in Baltimore, we discovered Chiparelli's. In fact, my sister who lived in Phillie at the time would travel down to Baltimore for lunch at Chiparelli's. Oh, and to visit me, too. You had a very wise cabbie.
in Filthadelphia
AKA Philadelphia, PA
where I am enjoying the company of two of my grandchildren who are visiting from Western PA
we're off to Franklin Institute to check out the heart that has been refurbished. It probably needed it. I remember going through it when I was a child - you know, back when the dinosaurs ruled the earth.
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