Ted Eisenstein on fri 8 apr 05
By the way, for the booklovers among us:
go to Powell's City of Books, when in Portland.
_Large_ bookstore, a city block's worth, new
and used; I believe their webpage advertises
over a million. Lovely place. And deadly;
I can't remember when I haven't left with
less than a couple of hundred dollars' worth.
Eleanor on sat 9 apr 05
.........in addition to Powell's:
The Real Mother Goose, downtown Portland. It's a huge retail store
selling magnificent hand-crafted things: furniture, jewelry, glass,
metal, CERAMICS, clothing, small gifts, etc.
They also have a shop (among the many other shops) in PDX.
My daughter and grandchildren live in Portland; it'll be my first NCECA.
Eleanor Kohler
Centerport, NY
Krista Peterson on sat 9 apr 05
Also, The Contemporary Craft Gallery. They do a lot
for the Crafts and especially ceramics. Maybe many of
you already know about it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Eisenstein
Sent: Apr 8, 2005 8:02 AM
Subject: NCECA/Portland/local attraction
By the way, for the booklovers among us:
go to Powell's City of Books, when in Portland.
_Large_ bookstore, a city block's worth, new
and used; I believe their webpage advertises
over a million. Lovely place. And deadly;
I can't remember when I haven't left with
less than a couple of hundred dollars' worth.
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