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new spray guns for glazing & nitride-bonded silicon carbide shelves

updated tue 12 apr 05


GEIL KILNS on mon 11 apr 05

Hi all, I thought you might be interested in our new HVLP (High Volume,
Low Pressure) Spray Guns. It is designed specifically for spraying
ceramic glazes and light to medium viscosity slip. It is a great tool
for glazing. Tom Coleman and other great potters uses it to apply their

The HVLP Spray Gun features:
-Stainless steel spray nozzle & needle.
-Precise 15 holes Air Cap set
-2.0 mm nozzle diameter (this size cannot be found elsewhere!)
-The glaze tank capacity is 600 cc
-Gravity feed
-Air inlet: 1/4''

We also carry the new strong & lightweight Nitride-Bonded Silicon
Carbide Shelves.

If you are interested and would like more information, please contact
Geil Kilns at the number below.

Best regards,

Sofia Boubakir
Geil Kilns