kim b. on tue 12 apr 05
Hey all; I know this OFF TOPIC Bee issue has gone on for a long while, but just had one more thing to add that IS related to kilns.One of our hives died because of a mite/parasite problem. To get rid of any remaining pests you are suppose to SCORCH your hive and frames with a weed burner. Well, that seemed like a lot of work, so I suggested to my husband (a bit reluctantly) that he could use my kiln to COOK the frames in. So we set it for 350 degrees and most everything was burned off. There were a few drips of Propolis,"bee glue", that remained on the bottom shelves, but I fired a small bisque fire in it yesterday and the propolis disappeared and my kiln fired fine (thank God!) The only concern that I had was if one of the wooden frames would have tipped over and touched an element and done something costly to my kiln, but I figured at only 350 degrees it shouldn't hurt? Could this have hurt my elements?? Kim Bowdish in N. Central Colorado where the Blizzard of 2005 only brought us
about a 1/2 inch of snow!
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