Susan Fox-Hirschmann on wed 13 apr 05
Sheffield mixes some mighty nice clay and they make
semi-regular deliveries to the D.C. you might call them for
as they are really good about that and speak to the dispatch guy and see if
they come by Elkton. They have delivered to me in Annandale, VA (and they
often pick up my work for their retail shop when they deliver my clay). They do
batch testing and are a great company to deal with....fine clay, good tech
support, if you need it....just a pleasure to use their clay.
They call their clays by "numbers' rather than if you get back
to me, I can tell you what may come close to what you are looking for.
Personally, my experience with standard , years ago, was "sub-standard" with
issues with their Grolleg mid fire porcelain. Friends that used it also had
similar questionable issues with Standard.
Highwater was "ok" ---Loafer's glory I think I used for a while, but got a
rather hard batch once and switched to Sheffield (in Mass. by the way)
Good luck!
Annandale, VA
Carole Fox on thu 14 apr 05
Carole - I always feel like I'm writing to myself when I respond to your
posts! I have used the following Standard clay bodies for ^6 ovenware:
112, 153, 306. None are white, but they do take glaze well. 112 is the
lightest color of the three but it does have speckles. You can see what
they look like at Standard's website:
Carole Fox
Dayton, OH
Gene & Dolita Dohrman on thu 14 apr 05
This brings up a question from me. Since I fire to ^6 in my kiln, I have
become determined to use only ^6 clays for functional ware. I have
purchased 5 different clays and am in the process of deciding which I will
use for the long term. Each one is strictly a ^5/^6 clay. Is it really OK
to use a clay that has a range from ^6 to ^10 as ovenware when it is fired
to ^6? Standard 112 is a ^4 to ^6 body so I would not hesitate to use it,
but the other two are ^6 to ^10. Am I wrong to about this?
> Carole - I always feel like I'm writing to myself when I respond to your
> posts! I have used the following Standard clay bodies for ^6 ovenware:
> 112, 153, 306. None are white, but they do take glaze well. 112 is the
> lightest color of the three but it does have speckles. You can see what
> they look like at Standard's website:
> Carole Fox
> Dayton, OH
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Carole Fox on fri 15 apr 05
Dolita - I am certainly not an expert on clay. However, I have not had any
problem with the referenced claybodies - no leakage, no cracking, no
crazing, etc. I also use Laguna's ^5 Bmix for ovenware, which I usually
fire to ^6 instead of ^5. I much prefer the Bmix over Standard's white
stoneware for throwing. My thought is, do whatever works. But maybe there
are some clay mavens out there who are wiling to share their expert
Carole Fox
Dayton, OH
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