Kathy Stecker on sun 17 apr 05
Here is info on a Tim Weber Workshop at Crealde art center-Tim's workshops=20
are always enjoyed by all here-I took a raku one years back and really enjoy=
him and will take this one .
Press Release, April 11, 2005
Contact: Niki Pierson, Creald=C3=A9 School of Art=20
(407) 671-1886, npierson@crealde.org
Ceramics and Mixed Media Workshop with Crealde Members:$170
Visiting Master Potter Timothy Weber Non-Members:$190
at Creald=C3=A9 School of Art Registration Deadlin=
e: May=20
May 21 and May 22 , 9:30-4:30 pm daily =20
(Winter Park is 20 minutes from Orlando)
WINTER PARK, FL =E2=80=94 Creald=C3=A9 School of Art is proud to bring back=20=
Center for Craft Director and Master Potter Timothy Weber for a Ceramics and=
Mixed Media Workshop. Many forming techniques will be used to create =E2=80=
with clay for assembly into forms finished with found materials. The worksho=
will be held in the Ceramics studio of the Creald=C3=A9 campus on May 21st a=
nd May=20
22nd from 9:30 =E2=80=93 4:30 both days.=20
Timothy Weber is a master potter and former Director of visual arts, craft=20
and media for the Tennessee Arts Commission. A native of Boise, Idaho, Weber=
received his first professional craft opportunity serving as apprentice to p=
Charles Counts in Rising Fawn, Georgia. After completing his apprenticeship=20
in 1973, he enrolled at Troy State University in Alabama where he helped=20
develop a production potter studio in Brundidge, Alabama,
He graduated from Troy State with honors in 1976, earning a bachelor=E2=80=
=99s degree=20
in studio art. After graduation, he served as an Alabama Council for the Art=
resident artist for the city schools of Troy, Cecatur, and Mobile.
In 1982, Weber became resident potter at the Kentucky Art Center, located=20
near Tuscaloosa, and held that position for 10 years before moving to Nashvi=
and joining the staff of the Tennessee Arts Commission. During his time in=20
Nashville, Weber maintained a full-time, working studio, and exhibited his w=
both regionally and nationally.=20
Creald=C3=A9 School of Art, a not-for-profit organization established in 197=
5, is=20
located at 600 St. Andrews Boulevard in Winter Park, Florida. The Showalter=20
Hughes Community Gallery features the work of Creald=C3=A9 faculty, area eme=
artists, children, seniors and community outreach partners, and The Alice an=
William Jenkins Gallery features changing exhibitions by contemporary Florid=
regional, and national artists. Our Contemporary Sculpture Garden features o=
60 pieces from Central Florida artists. Located on Creald=C3=A9=E2=80=99s Wi=
nter Park=20
campus, the galleries and sculpture Garden are open to the public Monday thr=
Thursday from 9:00 a.m. =E2=80=93 5:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. an=
d Saturday=20
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. For more information on events or classes, please cal=
(407) 671-1886 or visit our web site at www.crealde.org.
Kathy Stecker
Winter Springs, FL
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