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an invitation to view my clayart & nceca photos - baltimore 2005

updated sun 24 apr 05


Ken Nowicki on thu 21 apr 05

"Pirates, Gypsies, and Belly-dancers... OH MY!!!"

Hi gang,

Well... between Vince's previous request to see MORE Clayart photos... and
Gail P.'s recent "Clayart Yearbook project"... it has finally prodded me to
get busy and get some of my photos online to share with you all.

Please cut & paste the URLs below into your browser to get to the Kodak
EasyShare Gallery (formerly known as "OPhoto") to take a peek at these pictures
if you'd like. (FYI - This is a FREE photo service website and doesn't cost
anything to view these photos.)

There are two albums... hence the two URL addresses... sorry... I didn't
know how to combine them into one "invite".

This one is mostly Clayart folks... I know it may seem like all I did was
take pictures of pirates/wenches... but I kept forgetting to bring my camera to
the Clayart Room... and thus, only have shots of mostly Friday night...
still... there are some really good ones in the bunch. Enjoy!

...and this one is just a few snapshots of the Shino Show at The Baltimore
Clayworks. There are only a few pics here, and I wasn't really much of a
shutterbug this year at NCECA... but the pots I took pics of really "spoke to me"
in some way... but... there were SO MANY wonderful pots in this show... I
wish now I'd taken many more photos of them.


If you know of any names of people that I've listed incorrectly, or didn't
know when I was writing the captions... or... if you see any pots in the Shino
Show that you know the makers of that I didn't list, or listed
incorrectly... PLEASE email me and I'll make the additions/corrections necessary.

Disclaimer: I'm still learning how to use my little point & shoot digital
camera, so a few of these images might be slightly out of focus (mostly the
pots) please forgive the quality on some of them.

Let me know if you have trouble getting to the web site or viewing the
photos, and I'll see what I can do to help.


- Ken

Ken Nowicki
Port Washington, NY
Potters Council - Charter Member

Vince Pitelka on fri 22 apr 05

> Well... between Vince's previous request to see MORE Clayart photos...
> and
> Gail P.'s recent "Clayart Yearbook project"... it has finally prodded me
> to
> get busy and get some of my photos online to share with you all.

Dear Ken -
I appreciate that you have put some images online for us to see, but I
cannot view them, because it requires that you join and sign in, and I won't
do that. The last time I did that Ofoto bombarded me with spam. Many other
people have posted their images at the Kodak website, and yet it is possible
to view the images without joining and signing in. I'd love to see the
images, so I would greatly appreciate it if you would change your settings
so ti is possible to browse the images without having to sign up.
Thanks and best wishes -
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee Technological University
Smithville TN 37166, 615/597-6801 x111,

Gene & Dolita Dohrman on fri 22 apr 05

Did you know that Baltimore Clayworks was selling CD's of the shino show? I
inadvertently found out when I complimented the person at the desk on what a
spectacular show they had put together and she said they were going to
publish a CD with all of the pieces. I believe it was $20 or $25. It has
not arrived yet but I am hoping it will be here soon.
Me thinks Ken was quite taken with the wenches...I am sooo jealous!

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Lee Love on sat 23 apr 05

Vince Pitelka wrote:

>> Well... between Vince's previous request to see MORE Clayart photos...
>> and
>> Gail P.'s recent "Clayart Yearbook project"... it has finally
>> prodded me
>> to
>> get busy and get some of my photos online to share with you all.
> Dear Ken -
> I appreciate that you have put some images online for us to see, but I
> cannot view them, because it requires that you join and sign in, and I
> won't
> do that.

Vince, you don't have to give a "real" email address to sign in there.

For the longhaul, get yourself a webaccount that you only use for
signups. I highly recommend gmail because of its flexibility.

Lee in Mashiko, Japan Visual Bookmarks

"We can make our minds
so like still water
that beings gather about us
that they may see,...
....their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer,
perhaps even with a fiercer life
because of our quiet." -- W. B. Yeats