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ward power burners for sale brand new

updated sun 15 may 05


Jeff Boock on sat 14 may 05

I have 2 UNUSED power burners manufactured by Marc Ward of Ward Burner
Systems that I am not going to be able to use and I'd like to sell them
to someone on the list that can use them. The burners are as follows:

MB400 Power Burners @ 440,000 Btu/hr on 7"wc natural gas
Ransome P8SSC Piggyback Pilots
H91 Electric Solenoids
0-15"wc gauges.

According to Marc, they can be easily retrofitted to use propane.

The current retail on these burners is $1118.50 each.

I would like to get 1750.00 + shipping for the pair.

If you are interested, call me at 970 393 3933 or email me at

Hoping to find a new home for these...

Jeff Boock