ASHPOTS@AOL.COM on sat 28 may 05
After reading a few of the emails about the Bernard Leach bottle it seems to
be the same with pots that are attributed to Charles Counts.. Sometimes i get
a email about a pot thats on a EBAY auction and the buyers want to ask me if
i think that Charles made it.. A lot of us signed the pots we made for
Charles "Rising Fawn". It was printed and his printing was different than the rest
of us. Also we all had stamps.I wish i still had my stamp i used there.
When a "Rising Fawn" pot has Rising Fawn and also someones initials that
arent C/C its NOT his pot. Real simple. But its funny how those pots end up on
EBAY saying he, Charles Counts made it.
Mark on Lookout Mountain
Rising Fawn Ga
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