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surfing with helen bates - june 1, 2005 - usa, australia, uk

updated fri 3 jun 05


Earl Brunner on wed 1 jun 05

From: Helen Bates
Subject: Surfing with Helen Bates - June 1, 2005 - USA, Australia, UK
To: Discussion List Clayart
Surfing with Helen Bates - June 1, 2005 - USA, Australia, UK

Julian Vandercook (Phoenix, AZ, USA)
(Stark and sardonic "abstracted" human forms made with a "heavy-handed
use of texture." Also abstract or non-representational clay
sculptures, and some functional pots with celadon or shino glazes.)

Aysha Peltz (Whitingham, VT, USA)
(Abstraction again in these thrown and altered porcelain vessels with a
lusciously oriental look, in which the potter moves towards the
abstract from the pot's functional form without, however, losing

Whatcom Artist Studio Tour (Whatcom County, Bellingham, WA, USA)
(Click "Artists"; click Potters [A-L] or Potters [M-Z].)
(Artists: Gene Buckley, Ann Marie De Collibus, Ed Kraft, Cheryl Lee,
Clayarter Michael McDowell, Chris Moench, Patricia Morse, Clayarter
Brian O'Neill, Linda Stone, Nana Thebus.)

Alan Peascod (Australia)
(Intra-site links seem to work properly only in IE) :(
(However, very fine functional work in majolica, dry [high
temperature], and lustre [luster] glazes, and figural sculpture work in
dry glaze and porcelain. Alan writes: "The reduced pigment lustre
method is one of the most difficult in the ceramics field. It involves
the use of complex formulations which employ nitrates, chlorides,
carbonates of both silver and copper. [...] [My] kiln uses carefully
chosen timbers whose chemistry is essential for successful lustre

David, Joanne [nee Cooper], and Rosemarie Cooke [David's Mom]
(Yorkshire, UK)
(Animal Ceramics) (All three of the Cookes sculpt animals in clay and
the work of all three, which is excellent, differs a markedly in style.
David also does sgraffito work on functional vessels.)

Peter Lewis (Wales and England, UK)
(Political - Strong empathy with the displaced people of Palestine
For 5 years during the 1980's, Lewis taught in Jordan and he continues
to have connections in the area. He is a senior lecturer in visual
arts and head of ceramics at Bolton Institute of Higher Learning in the


Helen Bates
Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Clayarters' Websites:
Surfing with Helen Bates:

Earl Brunner