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wax resist mixed with a glaze

updated tue 28 jun 05


Dan Saultman on tue 7 jun 05

I am interested in applying brush strokes that resist a dipped glaze.
Has anyone ever mixed wax resist with a glaze for this purpose?


Dan Saultman

dannon rhudy on wed 8 jun 05

Yes, Dan, you can mix your glaze with wax resist
to repel other glazes. It's best if you mix your own
glaze, and substitute about half your liquid with the
resist. The down side is that generally, with most
resists, it will have to dry for several hours before
it will really work. Otherwise, when you try to
remove the inevitable small amounts of overglaze
from the surface, the wax will come off, taking the
glaze with it.

It seems to me that I read an article some years ago
by/about John Glick, and he said that to get the
painterly effects that his work is noted for, some of
his glazes were mixed with wax, to repel borders, as
it were.


Dannon Rhudy
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Saultman"
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 7:40 PM
Subject: wax resist mixed with a glaze

> I am interested in applying brush strokes that resist a dipped glaze.
> Has anyone ever mixed wax resist with a glaze for this purpose?
> Dan
> Dan Saultman
> Detroit
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Michael Wendt on wed 8 jun 05

I have used it with a medium amount of success. Try different amounts of wax
resist until you find the right addition for your glaze. I added mine to
existing glaze that had settled by removing the clear water first, then
pouring in the wax resist.
I found that the best results came when I used a heat gun on the glaze to
give it a slight sheen before the next coat. That also makes it less likely
to wash off. Any glaze that sticks to the overlay should be washed off with
cold water to avoid disturbing the wax resist glaze.
This is a good glaze inlay technique if you practice.
Michael Wendt
Wendt Pottery
2729 Clearwater Ave
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
Dan asked:
I am interested in applying brush strokes that resist a dipped glaze.
Has anyone ever mixed wax resist with a glaze for this purpose?


Dan Saultman

Marcia Selsor on wed 8 jun 05

No. But one practice is to glaze an area, apply a brush strok of wax,
let it dry, wash the unwaxed area and then dip the rest. I think this
would give you what you are after.
Marcia Selsor
On Jun 7, 2005, at 6:40 PM, Dan Saultman wrote:

> I am interested in applying brush strokes that resist a dipped glaze.
> Has anyone ever mixed wax resist with a glaze for this purpose?
> Dan

Vince Pitelka on wed 8 jun 05

Dan -
If you do an archive search for "cuerda seca" you will find information
about wax-glaze and wax-oxide mixures. It dilutes the glaze, of course, but
that can add to the contrast with the adjacent glazed areas. If you take a
small amount of glaze and let it settle, and then skim off a little water
before adding the wax resist, you might end up with a better brushing
medium. You can also add a little CMC gum or V-gum-CER to improve
brushability of the glaze/wax mixture in order to get the desired thickness
of glaze application.
Good luck -
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee Technological University
Smithville TN 37166, 615/597-6801 x111,

Russel Fouts on thu 9 jun 05


>> I am interested in applying brush strokes that resist a dipped glaze.
Has anyone ever mixed wax resist with a glaze for this purpose? <<

Go for it! I do this with terra sig and it works great!


Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
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Kristy Jo Beber on sun 26 jun 05

i've never tried mixing wax with a glaze, but i do mix stains and oxides
with my wax. works great.