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microwave safe, ignorant or intentional mis-use

updated thu 16 jun 05


David Woof on wed 15 jun 05

what i'd like to say is, safe except for ignorant or intentional mis-use,
most honest, but that doesn't have a polite sales ring to it so i say
''when used as intended''. this either satisfys or leads to questions i can
answer and education of the buying public is enhanced. puts the
responsibility on the user to be informed. takes the argument away from
whether the piece is good or faulty and moves the issue into intent and

lengthy disclaimers scare and confuse. and since it's impossible to cover
every contingency, the more said, the more liability one faces.

on the rare occasion that soeone does come back, recieve, listen, discuss,
educate, and replace the piece with a sincere smile. good for future
business relations with that person and friends who will hear.

David Woof

peering over the edge, reverently taking an irreverent look at everything.