Leesh on fri 10 jun 05
I'm concerned by your frequent disclaimers that you aren't a feminist. I AM=
a feminist and proud of it. It's true that some right-wing groups have trie=
to turn "feminist" into a bad name, but if you buy into those ignorant=20
attacks, it would be like a jewish person saying they aren't Jewish because=
some bigoted individuals have directed attacks at Jews (no, I'm not Jewish)=
Feminism is not the belief that women are better than men. It's just the=20
crazy notion that women deserve equal rights and opportunities as men. Whil=
there are some forms of feminism such as cultural or radical separatist=20
feminists who espoused (not as popular now as in the 70s) a separate=20
cultural environment for women as the only means of achieving equality (i.e=
separate businesses, etc.), even that tiny minority of feminist individuals=
generally would not claim that women were superior to men. In addition, you=
don't have to be a woman to be a feminist. I know many men who are feminist=
in that they want to see women obtain the same rights that they have.
Feminism is not a dirty word! Based on the content of your message, I would=
consider you a feminist and respect you for it. Why do we have to make=20
excuses when we ask for equal rights?
On 6/10/05, Elizabeth Priddy wrote:
> I have gotten several posts offlist from folks who agree with what I
> said about women and firing and I would like to clarify something.
> I am not a feminist. There is something about that word that implies
> that women are better than men. It just isn't true. Women and men
> are inherently different, hence the spelling. It's like saying that bears=
> are
> better than cougars. Both can rip your throat out and neither one gives
> a crap about what you think. Just like people.
> I keep a log in my mail of everything I have sent. If you keep one, go=20
> back
> and look at your posts and see who you remark on and who you leave out.
> If you don't mention any women as influences on you, then I probably was
> referring to you. If you do, don't be paranoid, I said I noticed who=20
> apparently
> has had no contact with women since their mother, not that all of you are=
> like that.
> And if you try to come up with a list that includes women and you can't,=
> the
> next professional development money you spend should be on a good worksho=
> with a woman of your choice. See if you are capable of learning from a=20
> woman
> rather than just acknowledging us graciously.
> A gracious nod to women from time to time is patronizing and makes many o=
> us wish you had not bothered. It would mean more if you dropped women's=
> names as
> casually as you do men's.
> All of this may be sub-conscious bullshit, but it is meaningful. It is ho=
> the glass ceiling
> gets polished.
> I am fond of the men on the list. I have a great respect for many of them=
> But it is
> 2005 and self-examination by the greatest generation is the next step=20
> towards a future
> where your daughters and grand-daughters will have to live.
> That said, try to think about my post from a position that is not=20
> defensive, that knows
> that I know how you were raised, that is not blaming you for past ills,=
> just asking you
> to acknowledge and correct it. If not here on list, just the next time yo=
> are sitting and
> networking with other big dogs. Notice if any women come up.
> If they don't, strain yourself to come up with one and mention her.
> I would love to be a fly on that wall. If what I said really irked you,=
> think about why
> YOUR particular hackles went up defensively before you send me something
> telling me how infair I am.
> And I repeat, for the hard-headed, I am not a feminist. You cannot dismis=
> my comments
> that way. I think plenty of women have issues too. And many of them have=
> this very
> same issue. They only drop men's names as well. We ALL need to get over=
> it.
> E
> Elizabeth Priddy*
> 252-504-2622
> 1273 Hwy 101
> Beaufort, NC 28516
> http://www.elizabethpriddy.com
> *If you are an extra-sensitive or easily-offended type:
> Remember that what I say is obviously just my opinion based
> on my experiences and that I, like most people, don't go around
> intending to step on toes and make folks cry. Take it with a
> grain of salt and move along, there are others waiting to
> give me grief because of their own buttons I inadvertently
> pushed...
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