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anyone know that glaze....

updated mon 4 jul 05


Patrick Green on sat 2 jul 05

Hello Clayart,
I was wondering if anyone had a recipe for two
glazes I used in college. I would ask my professor but
he is in Maine now roughing it up, and I can't seem to
find them anywhere.
They are C10 Rutile yellow (Which looks awesome ontop
of tenmoku) and c10 Scotts mustard yellow, Also i am
looking for a good orange if anyone has anyideas. or
perhaps if you would like any advice on glazing in
general. But i would really appreciate the afore
mentioned glazes if you would be so kind. thanks and
stay muddy. Oh yeah right now i am working in
oxidation for the advice thingy again thanks.

-Pat A.K.A. Green

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dannon rhudy on sun 3 jul 05

Orange matte glazes that come to mind are Mel's Orange
which was published in an article of his a few years back
CM, and Shaner's Orange, listed in some textbooks. You
might try a search for either or both. Mel's Orange is a
very orange orange, matte surface, will run if it goes over
cone 10, but stays matte. Many a student glued some
beautiful work to the shelf with it, but it works a treat if
you pay attention.


Dannon Rhudy

> I was wondering if anyone had a recipe for two
> glazes I used>
