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grist for the wheelthrown mill...throwing/turning/wheelthrown/usw

updated fri 1 jul 05


Ric Swenson on thu 30 jun 05

What a thread.....uff da...

One explanation I heard........ back in the 70s......or maybe 60s?..... was that a newspaper writer in the 17th Century described a potter working at his wheel and saw the potter THROW a  lump of clay at the center of the wheelhead while is was spinning...then centered the clay and formed a pot from the mass of clay....thus the description of "THROWING" pottery...?

Throwing? turning?   ( Iceberg?  Greenberg?...if you know that old joke...)

I also remember hearing about the origin of the word PITCHER to describe a vessel for pouring liquids.  Early medieval farmers could rarely afford a metal or clay veessel for pouring water or milk at the food trough (table)...they would make vessels from cow hides (leather) and sew them up...harden the vessel by drying it...then treating the insides with...(drum roll here...) Tree  (pine or other ) PITCH...thus the owrd PITCHER... (?)  Sounds plausible to me..


"...then fiery expedition be my wing, ..."


Wm. Shakespeare, RICHARD III, Act IV Scene III



.......Ric Swenson  (770) 923-8816, Atlanta, GA.

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