Pat Southwood on tue 12 jul 05
Thanks for the photo's from Abersywyth, they looked very exciting. =
Especially the ice kiln, how long did it work for?
I have just looked through my photo's and Steve Tootels' video from the =
Matsusaki Ken workshop last Oct.(and had a little sigh) I don't =
remember him doing it then. It strikes me that it would be useful to =
pick a size that corresponded to an internal dimension, in order to =
place a footring appropriatly.
The bit that really sticks in my mind was him using his Fathers' chisel =
to facet the bottle he had just coiled.
My Dad loved wood. I use his tools on clay as much as I can.=20
He would be furious if could see me!
I'm glad you enjoyed Aber all of you that went.
Did anyone else go to the Ceramic Art thing at the R.C.A ?
Reactions anyone?
Best wishes
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