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we've tried some translucent porcelain images

updated wed 13 jul 05


Phil Davenport on tue 12 jul 05


Check out Porters Photography Supply (on line)--You can get some black
aluminum foil and make a dome that will fit the light source. This will
allow you to control the amount of coverage you are getting with the
light source.

To control the amount of shadow that you have on the front of the
piece--try using another light source that is lower in intensity (can be
wattage or light to subject distance) or use a reflector (made from
white matt board). You can move the reflector closer or farther away,
from the subject, to control the intensity.

Have you experimented with the exposure time? Try going longer exposure
times, while keeping the f/stop the same (you should see some difference
in the highlight areas). The key is to experiment with the exposure
time as well as the lighting.

Hope this helps.

Phil Davenport
Horseshoe Pottery

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of Antoinette
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 12:58 PM
Subject: We've tried some translusent porcelain images

Thanks to those that responded to my question on translucent images
We used the best halogen light that we could find in town. (Halogen 50W)
had difficulty with spotting the light only inside the bowl. The
will probably be to find a much narrower spotlight and we realized we
need a much stronger W to really show off the translucency. Other
things like shadows and lighting up the foot well enough also created
trouble, so we will continue to explore the options. Have to say it
frustrates the hibi-jibies out of me. I have posted some images on my
website under "porcelain" for anyone interested to look at. Comments are

Antoinette Badenhorst

105 Westwood Circle

Saltillo MS, 38866

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