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microwaveable bisque responses

updated sun 24 jul 05


Jim Cullen on sat 23 jul 05

Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 09:39:08 -0500
From: Snail Scott
Subject: Re: Microwaveable bisque???

This is the best answer, with the best justification I've heard. Earl was
TECHNICALLY correct, but Snail was PRACTICALLY correct. I guess one could
seal the stilt marks and prolong the possibility of moisture absorption.
That would still require a caveat on behalf of the seller.

>SNAIL WROTE:......The problem with earthenware is its porosity.
A glaze will protect it from moisture absorption,
but only until the glaze crazes, which is almost
inevitable. It also would require being fired on
a stilt, since a dry foot will absorb moisture
every time it's washed. Dishwasher washing will
force more moisture in through the foot (and the
crazing) than handwashing, but it will probably
get in there eventually, and like a cracked
sealed-beam headlight, it has a much harder time
escaping afterward. It's this trapped moisture
that causes problems in the microwave, when it
turns to steam.
