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*****tip of the week/after burner-hot reaction********

updated tue 26 jul 05


marianne kuiper milks on sun 24 jul 05

However: what about our great-great-great-great-great-great great terrific grandchildren?
What do we tell them? Do they care about our cost of oil?
Will they remember that WE cared to find an alternative source (MORE stuff to take from the earth, or something intelligent like less use, thoughtful living, while finding that true alternative) before we use it up, in 300 years, give or take a few weeks?
How many of us do really care? Those who voted for Bush, or those who tried to get replace him? In other words: will we lose that battle, or win it, just by a few votes' difference?

Why not help NOW ?---don't wait 300 years because the fountain of youth may have dried up.(along with oil, safe water, good growing conditions...gerstley borate..)

Car-pool. Throw out your micro. Hang out your laundry (the clean stuff, that is). Flush toilet only #2 or 2nd time. Use clean detergents. Keep your engine clean so it uses less energy.
Recycle, buy bulk/loose whenever possible. Don't burn coal and don't waste wood. Choose natural gas over propane where possible. Put your kid on the schoolbus and save gas. Always turn the heat down when you leave and at night. Wash your car with a buckets full of water, not the hose. Use a dishwasher: less water, more sanitary, fewer trips to the doctor so less gas. Take one shower a month (just kiddin'). Simply: just think while you live.
And do make pots, lots of them, and combat the use of plastics and the likes. Fire at cone 6, it works just dandy.
Ahhh, that felt good. Add as you wish :) And no: I'm not that good, but I do try.

Marianne (back from Alfred U Summer School. What a blast!)

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Jennifer Boyer on mon 25 jul 05

Hi all,
This was a great list of environmentally responsible things to do, but
we shouldn't throw out our microwaves if the research I've read is
correct. It takes half to a third less energy to cook food(small
amounts work best) with a microwave compared to gas and electric.
Another great energy saver in the kitchen is a pressure cooker. Brown
rice in 15 minutes!

Take Care

> Car-pool. Throw out your micro. Hang out your laundry (the clean
> stuff, that is). Flush toilet only #2 or 2nd time. Use clean
> detergents. Keep your engine clean so it uses less energy.
Jennifer Boyer
Thistle Hill Pottery
Montpelier, VT