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now: perfect mug

updated wed 27 jul 05


Lee Love on tue 26 jul 05

Andie Plamondon wrote:

> I have a soft spot for mugs, being a HUGE coffee drinker, and have a
> cabinet
> full of hand made ones (some glass, some clay). I have some by famous
> potters, some by lesser known, and plenty that I have made.

I am not a "huge" coffee drinker. But I always have "one" in
the morning. Currently, I drink it from a Minnesota tea bowl. My
friend Dirk Gilespie in Omaha got me drinking coffee this way and my
first "coffee bowl" was one of his: a Shino straight sided bowl.
The tea bowl is actually pretty much like a French latte bowl. I put
in maybe a teaspoon of sugar and then plenty of skimmed milk on top.

I like to make mugs but I prefer to use teabowls and yunomi.
Have just started making bowls thinking of them as latte bowls instead
of tea bowls. Sure does make them more relaxed. Maybe one in a
thousand of these will be good enough for tea ceremony. My favorite
tea bowls have always been the "found" ones, like the Korean Ido bowls,
rather than the ones expressly made for tea.

Lee Love
in Mashiko, Japan My Photo Logs

"We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us
that they may see,
it may be, their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer,
perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our quiet."
-- W.B. Yeats

John Baymore on tue 26 jul 05


I know what you mean about the teabowls that weren't made to BE teabowls.

I love that old story about the tea master putting down a heirloom antique
chawan in front of his apprentice and asking, "What is the most important
aspect of THIS teabowl?" After a lot of silent reflective time examining
the bowl carefully, the apprentice clearly cannot decide if it is the
wavering flow of the bowls lip, the crisp yet casual trimming of the foot,
the subtelty of the shape of the depression for the tea pool at the
bottom, the blush of fire color on the front, or the feel of the swelling
form in the hands. Then sensei says, "It holds tea."

BTW..... I recently attended a summer outdoor tea ceremony and the chawan
the host selected was blown glass as was the chaire. That was an
interesting choice.....and it worked well in the particular setting with
the other utensils.

Hope it doen't "catch on"........ could mean trouble for potters. .



John Baymore
River Bend Pottery
22 Riverbend Way
Wilton, NH 03086 USA

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