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kudo's (bone ash) robins egg blues

updated fri 29 jul 05


bill edwards on wed 27 jul 05

I missed signing my last message to Lily's statement
but I believe most know my email address by now and it
was clearly a finger jump not an intended mail lacking
a signature.

Walmart- Pity on them. They can start by examining the
poorly done photos of their own photographers that
hold space within their confines. I certainly would
never attempt to have a photo printed there that had
any quality of life in it whatsoever! (Sigh* They must
know everything now) I know, they just rent that space
out by the foot. But these are the same people who
would sell the potters next door to the lions down the
street if it made a 1/10th% on a dollar earnings in
the end. Bottom line, ignorance and arrogance go hand
in hand with it comes to their bottom line.

Back to Lily again - The brown glaze that was over the
robin egg blue. Interesting, even though I lost the
site url. I remember bone ash being in there. Anything
specific about that? Mess size or any particular type
or brand?
There is calcium phosphate and synthetic versions.
Would anyone here have a particular choice? I have
used human bone ash (crematory) and experienced
blisters when I used more than 2% by weight. The
experience was unique to say the least but was a
friend of mine and her last request to me as well as
from her family. The results were a change in the
final recipe where the final glaze developed well with
milky blue swirls of color and speckling which was
very pretty.

Bill Edwards
Edmar Studio and Gallery

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