Leland Hall on sat 30 jul 05
Hello all. Angain, thanks for all the support. It's hard to desribe how
solitary of a life I live, (by choice, and by nature, I'm not complaining)
and how much your letters of support have meant to me. I swear, if I had
to face this alone---------
But I don't feel alone. Theres just something about artists. Maybe
potters in particular. Or maybe it's mostly me. Eccentric I've been
called. And I suppose that was from the polite folks. I've just never
been able to relate to much of the "non-creative" type of the population.
At times that has made me feel really flawed, certainly not special. All
I'm trying to say, to express, is how much it helps to have all of your
energy coming this way at a time like this. Priceless indeed. From the
bottom my heart, thanks.
I had a local "pump" guy, and an electrician come out today to advise on
how to get our domestic water well back up and running. I thought it was
undamaged. This turned out to be the case. Hooray!! We have water! Was
a free tempory haywire job, but it's working. The conversation with the
electrician was pretty illuminating. Frustrating too. When I look at
whats left of the structure, it appears to me, that with materials, I could
make it serviceable again. It would be much smaller, but servicable. His
opinion is different. He believes that when permits are requested, that
the county would condem it. He stated that he is 99% sure of this. Well
that wont do.
On the other hand, there is the rural "don't ask, don't tell" philosophy.
Just try to fix it, and get back to work. Don't know about that. Seems
risky. Lots of charred rafters too, on one end. I reckon it would always
stink. The smoke damage is extensive even in the areas where there wasn't
much heat. Of course these descisions are moot at this point.
We have printed out the CERF application and criteria, and will be going
over it together this weekend. I only skimmed it, but if I qualify, that
could really make or break it for me. I think maybe I saw some about tax
records. Maybe Pay Pal invoices would do I don't know. E-bay and Pay Pal
have been GOOD to me the last few years. I worry that there seems to be a
perception amongst some that the E-bay scene is not legitimate. It seemed
legit to me, as I have been shipping pots all across North America and
overseas for several years now. In fact I could never seem to keep up.
But that may have as much to do with some health issues as anything else.
I don't know. I'm rambling, sorry. Very tired.
I cleaned a lot of the charred wood, fallen light fixtures and insulation
out of whats left of the studio today. (And made the pump work!!) Also
took a better look through the rubble of the kiln shed. Kilns are
definatly toast. They will however, convert nicely to gas. The big one
especially. I'd been longing for another gas kiln that size for some
time. I may have a line on another used large electric. It's a friend in
town, and---well, well see. I've no juice for it or anywhere to put it
yet. Than the stars my wheel is definatly fine.
Hey, any body know if I the heat might not have ruined a couple hundred
pounds of GB that were stacked in bags? The paper bags are gone, and the
pile doesnt seem to be soaked through. (Every thing is wet of course)
Maybe I'll srape the couple inches of ashes off and see if I can get it
into buckets ore something.
I'm still having to acess clay art through a back door so to speak, but at
least I can read whats going on. I used to like to try to help folks by
answering question, if I thought it might be useful. Hope to feel up to
contributing in a positive way again one day. Right now I'm just trying to
stay sane. I really appreciate that some folks are thinking and talking of
heading this way to try to help. But at this point theres probably nothing
to be done. Theres no money for materials, and lots of rubble needs to be
removed first any way. We are having a giant dumpster brought in next
week. Mmmm. Could sure use some healthy bodys then! Jeeze, any body gets
involved in that job is gonna be blacker than the ace of spades at the end
of the day! I was a funny sight tonight at the end of the day. Judy had
mayber her first laugh since the fire!
Lastly, we'll be looking into Outlook Express again this weekend.
God I need to sleep. None at all last nite. Nightmares when sleep did
Bless you all, and good potting. And sorry if this is to long.
Leland Hall
Before The Wheel Enterprises
La Pine, Oregon
Leland Hall on sat 30 jul 05
Here is a link to a photo hosting service, "photobucket". This is what I
have left here in La Pine.
Hope the link works. Goes to show what can happen when an amateur
electrician gets in over his head. Please be careful folks. Very very
careful. I'm lucky in lots of ways, but it doesn't always feel like it
I was thinking about Primalmommy this morning. Are you still around
sweetheart? She has been an inspiration to us for years. Judy and I just
love her to pieces, and always enjoy her posts.
As I recall, at one time Kelly made beautiful pottery in a tiny closet
under a staircase!! You go girl! Now thats dedication. Well cripes, if
Kelly can make pots in a staircase closet,-------
So bygum I can/will make pots again, and soon too!!!!!
Thanks all. Love ya ALL to pieces, didn't mean to leave anybody out.
(even you couple of grumpy clyarters I remember from years past. Love you
too. Water under the bridge.)
Before The Wheel Enterprises.
PS. I forgot to mention defesable space around buildings. As you can see
maybe see from the pics at photobucket, we live in the forest. I've spent
15 years clearing the trees from around our buildings, so as to defend the
buildings in the even of forest fire. Glad I did. My studio fire did not
start a major forest fire, and it would have otherwise. Ironic. It works
both ways.
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