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would multi-layering a non-food safe glaze make it

updated mon 8 aug 05


Lee Love on mon 8 aug 05

-- In, Belinda Willis wrote:

> I'm wondering if Pinnell's Weathered Bronze (non-food safe) was placed
> under two properly fired layers of MC6 glazes, one of which was a liner
> glaze, would it be food safe or do the chemicals interact such that the
> combination would still need to be tested?

This is not so far-fetched as it sounds. Many of the decorative
glazes were meant to be put on top of other base glazes. But in
your case, if you put something over the Weathered Bronze, it probably
would not look the same.

What if you used Weathered Bronze on the outside of pots?

Lee Love
in Mashiko, Japan My Photo Logs

"The way we are, we are members of each other. All of us. Everything.
The difference ain't in who is a member and who is not, but in who knows it and who don't."

-- Burley Coulter (Wendell Berry)