Millard Balfrery on wed 24 aug 05
I bought an old Randall wheel at an auction last summer for $25 and an
partially incarcerated umbrilical hernia (ask for help before you load a Randall
into a pickup by yourself). It has a 9" buckethead that I fabricated a 14"
fiberglass 'bat insert'. It works better than nothing but has a slight wobble.
I tried repeatedly to contact Randall in NY by phoneto purchase a 14"
aluminum wheelhead- asked them to call collect, left fax #, left messages ect.....
Zero communication
I live in Palm Beach County in Lantana Fl, so traveling to St. Louis is not
realistic. If you would be so kind as to consider putting one in a box, I would
be glad to pay for shipping and your time in advance.
The weather guesser says tropical storm Katrina will become a hurricane by
Friday and hit about 25 miles south with 16" to 24" of rain and hurricane force
winds. Most of my 'studio' is outdoors under the palm trees out back of the
house, so I gotta sign off and start battening down the hatches- getting good at
it as we were hit twice last year about 40 miles north, Hurricane Frances had
100+ mph winds for 20 hours, didn't have electricity for 11 days. Makes you
appreciate an antique kickwheel.
Thanks, Millard 'Mill' Balfrey
Snail Scott on wed 24 aug 05
I was cleaning up yesterday, and found three Randall
wheelheads in a closet. Haven't got a Randall wheel,
so anyone who wants one (or all of them) is welcome
to them. (I know some folks like them so well that
they'll retrofit them onto other wheel brands.)
I don't really want to deal with shipping. So, anyone
who wants to come to St. Louis and get one (or all of
them), drop me a line at .
Snail Scott on fri 26 aug 05
I should have mentioned, these are the bucketheads,
not flat. I've still got one left, for pickup in
St. Louis.
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