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updated sat 27 aug 05


bill edwards on fri 26 aug 05

As evidenced below it would be safter to go with a
professionally formulated sub for bernard if possible.
I have multiple analysis for the material and Dr. Ed
and Ron have given opposing analysis as well as I at
the bottom. Since we have 3 perspectives on the same
thing wouldn't it be sensible to say that a sub could
be just as impressive done with calculations and
market ready and less varied in its components? The
subs are being offered out there any I am certain
somebody must be testing them by now.

We would go on and on forever back and forth with
these varients and trace materials in that stuff
especially the iron content which seems to change like
the stock market. Not just the iron but silica and the
rest of the ingredients change back and forth.

I throwed one in for measure at the bottom of this so
everyone could form an opinion and then compare these
to the subs out there now. How do you get consistency
unless you get the analysis for all raw materials per
each batch bought? That's why I have always stated the
importance of asking these questions from your vending
source. If you are calculating, your working in the
dark without facts. If your formulating, your change
in material can be just enough to change the glaze if
its a finicky one already. Throw this one on the GB
pile or fight with it like a tiger and try taming the
wild beast.

This is the analysis I have for Barnard - I would
expect many different
analysis for this kind of material.

SiO2 52.61
Al2O3 10.62
Fe2O3 20.27 < big difference
TiO2 .90
CaO none
MgO none
MnO 3.30
>K2O 3.80
>Na2O none
>L.O.I. 8.50


>Hello Kathy,
>here is an analysis for Barnard Slip (Black Bird)
>From this point you could work out a substitution
>if it is unavailable ;
>SiO2 59.7
>Al2O3 10.8
>Fe2O3 14.65
>TiO2 .67
>CaO .27
>MgO .75
>MnO 3.4
>K2O 2.04
>Na2O .12
>L.O.I. 7.46

>Edouard Bastarache

Here's even one more so everyone will have 3 opinions
to form their opinion on. The race is on and it's the
500 O'Clock 500.

CaO 0.600
K2O 1.100
MgO 0.700
Na2O 0.600
TiO2 0.200
Al2O3 7.600
SiO2 47.000
Fe2O3 33.900

LOI 8.310

Bill Edwards
Edmar Studio and Gallery
302 South Main St (Shipping)
POB 367 (Mailing)
Camp Hill, Al. 36850

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