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lolli and copper grindings....

updated fri 2 sep 05


Karen Sullivan on thu 1 sep 05

My first response to your question
Of using copper grindings in a glaze is:
"Try it and see what happens"
You have an opportunity to learn....

My experience is that for copper...
Or any metal/oxide the materials needs to be
Of small particle size (200 mesh) to mix
And melt into the silica of the glaze...

If the oxide is too concentrated
i.e. in large chunks...too dense
a mass of material
it tends to look like slag....burned
Grey metal....

The color we get from oxides is
From a small amount of metals
That are in roughly 200 mesh particle size
that can then melt into the silica....

But might miss the opportunity
You would have to try and work with your
Curiosity as your guide...and discover a new application
That nobody knows about...
The gift we all have is our curiosity
And the chance to discover things from
Our mistakes....
So...go for it...
Aka bamboo karen