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nceca 2007, new orleans

updated fri 2 sep 05


Nan Thurn Kitchens on thu 1 sep 05

In the wake of all the death and destruction, it seems a little senseless to
even address this issue but for those of you who are wondering, Billie has
been in contact with NCECA and the decision to still have NCECA 2007 in New
Orleans has not yet been made. Our NCECA contacts and their families in New
Orleans thankfully are safe. In my personal experience in the aftermath of
Andrew, a much less damaging storm in Florida, it took years to recover, and
that was without the extensive flooding we have seen in the Gulf Coast area
this week.
We will keep you posted as soon as we know anything regarding their
decision, in the meantime I wish there was more we could do to help.

Nan Thurn Kitchens
Architectural Clayworks
Box 371070
Key Largo Florida 33037