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florida seniors !

updated sun 4 sep 05


Edouard Bastarache Inc. on tue 6 sep 05

Four retired guys are walking down a street in Stevens Point, WI.
They turn a corner and see a sign that says "Old Timer's Bar,

They look at each other, and then go in.

The old bartender says in a voice that carries across the room: "Come
on in and let me pour one for you; what'll it be, gentlemen?"

There seems to be a fully stocked bar, so the men all ask for a

In short order, the bartender serves up 4 iced martinis -- and says:
"That'll be 10 cents each, please."

They can't believe their good luck. They pay the 40 cents, finish
their martinis, and order another round.

Again, four excellent martinis are produced with the bartender again
saying, "That's 40 more cents, please."

They pay the 40 cents, but their curiosity is more than they can
stand; they've each had two martinis and so far they've spent less than a
Finally, one of the men couldn't stand it any longer and asks the
"How can you afford to serve martinis as good as these for a dime a

"Here's my story. I'm a retired cop from New York, and I always
wanted to own a bar. Last year I hit the lottery for $25 million and
decided to open this place. Every drink costs a dime, wine, liquor,
beer, all the same."

"Wow. That's quite a story" says one of the men.

The four of them sipped at their martinis and couldn't help but
notice three other guys at the end of the bar who didn't have a drink in
front of them, and hadn't ordered anything the whole time they were there.

One man gestures at the three at the end of the bar without drinks
and asks the bartender, "What's with them?"

The bartender says, "They're seniors from Florida, they're waiting
for Happy Hour."

logan johnson on tue 6 sep 05

Hi Edouard,

I just moved from Florida to Washington St. After reading your post about Fl. seniors ( it took me at least 5 min. to stop laughing before I could reply) I just wanted to tell you how close to "home" your joke was!!! If anybody gives you any guff about people from/in florida being cheap you just tell them to contact me! I know for a fact not ALL people there are cheap but enough of them are SO cheap I had to leave the flea market I had a stall in 'cause I couldn't make the rent! I was selling the same type of stuff there that I sold in Washington. In Washington at a sale not open to the general public in a depressed area, I would sell about $600.00 worth of stuff in a weekend. In Florida all I got were complements & stories about "How great this or that would look in my Bermuda vacation house. BUT $45.00 is a bit TOO EXPENSIVE!" (for a large coffee table bowl) OR "If I buy in bulk ( 4-5 mugs) for my office staff can I get a price break on the $ 8.00 each mugs!!!" I
actually started telling people "Hey if you can get Fl. power & light to give me a price break on my power bill I'll give you a price break on what you want to buy!" (I fire in oxidation) I said this nicely & was not being bitchy but I had to let people know it cost me to make my work, it wasn't free.
Thanks for the laugh!
L .J.
"Edouard Bastarache Inc." wrote:
One man gestures at the three at the end of the bar without drinks
and asks the bartender, "What's with them?"

The bartender says, "They're seniors from Florida, they're waiting
for Happy Hour."

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Logan Johnson Audeo Studios
"Carpe Argillam!!"

Edouard Bastarache Inc. on tue 6 sep 05

Welcome Logan,

I will forward your comment to my friend Douglas English who
send it to me in the first place. Doug pays me visit every Sunday
afternoon at my kiln/glaze shed.
He is my usual supplier of jokes, he is a deadpan (oops, I have
just looked up this one in my French/English dictionary, and as
we say in French, "I will go to bed tonite a little smarter" (hehehehe).

His ancestors were Loyalists who came to settle in the Gaspe
Peninsula of Quebec. He is a ship engineer who sailed the 7 seas
for decades.


"Ils sont fous ces quebecois"
"They are insane these quebekers"
"Están locos estos quebequeses"
Edouard Bastarache
Irreductible Quebecois
Indomitable Quebeker