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randall wheel head

updated sat 10 dec 11


Lana on mon 12 sep 05

Wanted: Aluminum, flat wheel head for Randall Wheel. Please contact Thanks

John McClure on fri 9 dec 11

To All;=3D0AThe pottery center where I work is looking to exchange the cup =
eel head on some Randall Wheels that they received from our local schools.=
=3DA0 I have not been successful in finding a source for wheel heads, 12 or=
4 inch, that I can use to replace the existing heads.=3DA0 I think the shaf=
t =3D
uses a Morse taper to locate and hold the wheel head in place.=3DA0 Does an=
ne have a suggestion?=3D0AThanks,=3D0AJohn McClure=3D0A