dannon rhudy on fri 23 sep 05
Of course you can have a cone 6 shino, reduction.
There are lots of them. In fact, many shino glazes
rated for 9-10 will actually work at 6, because shinos
mostly have a low melt point. There are also a good
many shino recipies made specifically for cone 6.
Lori Leary used to fire cone 6 shino's; they worked
fine. There are no doubt several cone six shinio glazes
in the archives; take a look.
Cone six "generally" means electric because cone
six is a convenient temp to fire electric kilns. But
many fire electric kilns to cone 9 or more, and many
gas kiln people fire to lower temps. Find the one you
Dannon Rhudy
Subject: Re: cone 6 shino?
Can't we have a ^6 gas, or other fuel, fired shino...why does ^6 most
generally mean electric?
Eric in Oceanside
Lili Krakowski on sun 25 sep 05
Esp. at hurricane time, one is tempted to spit into the wind.
The best definition of Shino I have is in Jack Troy's book-- which is a
treasure even if one can never hope to fire wood.
You all will remember (joke, joke) that I protested and still do the use =
Majolica as a name for NON TIN/NON LEAD glazes. I think names should be
specific and reserved for what is being named.
Now there is mention of c.6 electric fired Shino. Is there not another w=
that can be used? Mottled, variegated, streaked, moir=E9-ed.....
We are working so hard on being scientific and accurate....and now this..=
Lili Krakowski
Editor, "Tirade, the Journal of Ridiculous Opinions"
Suchman on sun 25 sep 05
Can't we have a ^6 gas, or other fuel, fired shino...why does ^6 most
generally mean electric?
Eric in Oceanside
> Esp. at hurricane time, one is tempted to spit into the wind.
> The best definition of Shino I have is in Jack Troy's book-- which is a
> treasure even if one can never hope to fire wood.
> You all will remember (joke, joke) that I protested and still do the use =
> Majolica as a name for NON TIN/NON LEAD glazes. I think names should be
> specific and reserved for what is being named.
> Now there is mention of c.6 electric fired Shino. Is there not another w=
> that can be used? Mottled, variegated, streaked, moir=E9-ed.....
> We are working so hard on being scientific and accurate....and now this..=
> Lili Krakowski
> Editor, "Tirade, the Journal of Ridiculous Opinions"
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