Mary/Adams on tue 27 sep 05
Here's the deal. I've been looking in all my 40 odd books and cannot find a
definitive answer as to whether to mix dry colorant into dry glaze mix. Or
can you mix dry colorant into a already mixed base glaze.
Thanks for any quick advice?
Norman Aufrichtig on tue 27 sep 05
hi mary,
to get a good mix with an already mixed glaze one could take some of the
ready mixed glaze and put in the colorant, blend at high speed and then add
that to the rest of the glaze,. if no blender have to screen.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary/Adams"
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 11:03 AM
Subject: [CLAYART] Need Quick advice on Mixing Colorant into base glaze??
> Here's the deal. I've been looking in all my 40 odd books and cannot find
> definitive answer as to whether to mix dry colorant into dry glaze mix.
> can you mix dry colorant into a already mixed base glaze.
> Thanks for any quick advice?
> Mary
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Lois Ruben Aronow on tue 27 sep 05
I add the colorant to my dry base, before I add the water. I dry mix the
whole thing too. You can easily control the percentages that way.
You can add dry colorant/stain to a pre-mixed glaze, but get the right
proportions of colorant would be tricky, and difficult at best to duplicate.
You would need to re-sieve the glaze after mixing and adding colorant.
Also, let it slake overnight and sieve again, just to make sure everything
is well mixed.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of
> Mary/Adams
> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:03 PM
> Subject: Need Quick advice on Mixing Colorant into base glaze??
> Here's the deal. I've been looking in all my 40 odd books
> and cannot find a definitive answer as to whether to mix dry
> colorant into dry glaze mix. Or can you mix dry colorant
> into a already mixed base glaze.
> Thanks for any quick advice?
> Mary
> ______________________________________________________________
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William & Susan Schran User on tue 27 sep 05
On 9/27/05 1:03 PM, "Mary/Adams" wrote:
> I've been looking in all my 40 odd books and cannot find a
> definitive answer as to whether to mix dry colorant into dry glaze mix. Or
> can you mix dry colorant into a already mixed base glaze.
The answer is yes to both, with a small caveat.
Best to weigh out all materials dry, add to water, mix and sieve.
You can weigh out the colorant and add to the wet base glaze, but the
caveat, you need to know how much dry materials were used in the base mix so
you can add the proper percentage of colorant.
Yes, you can calculate the amount of material in the wet mix, but that
involves math....;-)
William "Bill" Schran
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Mike Gordon on tue 27 sep 05
You can do it either way, I usually do it while it's dry and I'm
weighing out the base glaze, but if you want to do it wet ,it's OK. I
use some of the base glaze watered down and sieve it several times then
mix into the base. Then I run it through a sieve again several times
before using. Mike Gordon
On Sep 27, 2005, at 10:03 AM, Mary/Adams wrote:
> Here's the deal. I've been looking in all my 40 odd books and cannot
> find a
> definitive answer as to whether to mix dry colorant into dry glaze
> mix. Or
> can you mix dry colorant into a already mixed base glaze.
> Thanks for any quick advice?
> Mary
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Alistair Gillies on tue 27 sep 05
Both - but not definitively;-)
It is easier to judge the percentage by weight of colourant if you add to
dry ingredients as you don't have to take the water into account. It might
also be easier to get good dispersal - there have been some good recent post
about mixing dry.
Adding to a wet mixture means that it will probably have to be sieved a
number of times to get the colour to fully mix but if you are mixing tiny
amounts e.g. on a saucer for decoration you can judge by eye and
experience - a bit like water colour paint.
Above the Ironbridge Gorge where we have been warned to expect winds up to
25 miles an hour!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary/Adams"
> Here's the deal. I've been looking in all my 40 odd books and cannot find
> a
> definitive answer as to whether to mix dry colorant into dry glaze mix.
> Or
> can you mix dry colorant into a already mixed base glaze.
> Thanks for any quick advice?
> Mary
Lester Haworth on tue 27 sep 05
Yes Mary,
You can mix your stain with your base glaze, preferably in the dry state.
Les H.
-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG]On Behalf Of Mary/Adams
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 10:03 AM
Subject: Need Quick advice on Mixing Colorant into base glaze??
Here's the deal. I've been looking in all my 40 odd books and cannot find a
definitive answer as to whether to mix dry colorant into dry glaze mix. Or
can you mix dry colorant into a already mixed base glaze.
Thanks for any quick advice?
Send postings to
You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
settings from
Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Alyssa Ettinger on wed 28 sep 05
i mix mine in, wet or dry, with the small amount in the blender method (also
the only good way to test the % of colorants when you're testing colors
without completely losing your mind...)
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