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lepidolite, also- ian currie worshop at hambidge

updated wed 5 oct 05


Rhonda Kale on mon 3 oct 05

Lepidolite is a member of the silicate family (Phyllosilicates, Mica Group). K(li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(F,OH)2 (Hydrous potassium lithium aluminum silicate) . It is a soft to semi-hard fuses easily, coloring the flame crimson(lithium), to an opaque white glass. Insoluble in acids. It is an ore of lithium. You can find more in any rock or mineral book on where it is located.

Also-attended the Ian Currie Workshop Oct. 1-2 at Hambige Art Center in Dillard, GA. Very intense two days. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Got 2 possible good glazes out of it and gave me a lot of ideas for future projects. If you get a chance to ever do his workshop, do it without hesitation.
Rhonda Kale
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