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^6 crystalline glaze help

updated wed 26 oct 05


William & Susan Schran User on tue 25 oct 05

On 10/24/05 12:54 AM, "logan johnson" wrote:

> I've been to Fara Shimbo's site & fell in lust with her "Vesuvius" glaze but
> it's a Cone 8-10. Does anyone know of a cone 6 look alike they would be
> willing to share? Any tips or advice would be greatfully
> appreciated.

Logan - If you respond to me directly - - I'll send you a
list of ^6 crystalline glazes my students and I have been using with good
success. I've working with ^6 crystalline glazes since 1995. Some of Fa's
glazes will work at ^6, Tin Foil, Octal, Bory #1, to name a few.

You ask for glazes to produce BIG crystals, how big is big? One can
certainly produce big crystals at ^9/10, but it's a bit more of a challenge
at ^6. My biggest crystals are 1 1/2", which I see as fairly large.

There are so many variables involved in this process, that even providing
you with glazes that work well for me and my students, it may take some time
and testing on your part to produce the results you seek.

William "Bill" Schran
Fredericksburg, Virginia