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=?iso-8859-1?b?occgikag?=converting kiln from electric to gas

updated wed 2 nov 05


William & Susan Schran User on tue 1 nov 05

On 10/30/05 9:04 PM, "Brad Carter" wrote:

> Whatever you do, don't buy a conversion kit from Summit kilns in Florida. I
> bought one of there kits and the burners burned inside the burner tubes.
> Never got it to work properly.

The design of these burners and the type used on Olympic Torchbearer updraft
gas kilns are similar, a simple pipe burner.

I described sometime back about my tales of woe & intrigue dealing with my
Olympic updraft and how I changed out the burners to get it to work

Wondering if any of you out there in fuel firing kiln land have gotten these
type burners to work ok?
Does a pipe burner, as apposed to a venturi burner, require more gas
velocity to work?
Does orientation (vertical VS horizontal) affect the performance?

-- William "Bill" Schran
Fredericksburg, Virginia