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using clayart as email/read (vince's post)

updated wed 9 nov 05


F. Chapman Baudelot on sun 6 nov 05

I'm inclined to agree with Vince on this one. I have not been 'irritated'
by the 'Leland Hall saga', or the Jared Branfman saga, the Peggy Heer
saga, the Ababi saga, the Martin from the UK saga or the story of Mel's
own tragic loss. I think as a group we all really FELT for these people
and many sent cards of sympathy, emails and even funds because the ones
affected seemed to be part of our virtual Clayart family. Sadly, all of
the above are no longer with us. They are dead and can no longer be
helped. Personally, I find it more important to help living potters who
are having a hard time and even though it is possible that there have been
some 'scams' with Clay it Forward, surely there have been more cases of
honest potters grateful for any help received. Perhaps one day these same
potters will improve their situation and in turn wish to help others not so
fortunate. In fact, I know that to be the case.

Ah well, I think I have been on Clayart for too long. Gone are the days
when Joe and Richard owned the list and Jack Troy kept us all entertained
with his beautifully written posts and hilarious verses and nobody had a
website. How many of you remember the hearty, well-expressed fights
between Carla Flati and Vince? When this listserv ends up being a sterile,
politically correct collection of impersonal 100% clay-related posts, I
shall regretfully sign off. After all, I'm not even a real potter now.

Dear friend Joyce, I realise that you have indeed done your share and more
and am sorry I inconvenienced you with my untimely email. Just ignore it.

Francoise in Southern Spain.

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fiona wallace on tue 8 nov 05

I agree. It was totally irrelevant to me, too, but i'm not getting my
knickers in a knot over it. In fact, I had this great image of clayarters
forming a chain across the US to get this kiln where it needed to go.
(when i think of the performance my studio colleague is having trying to get
a kiln from the midlands to the south coast of England, i sympathise)

The most important tihing was that the threads were clearly headed, so once
it became clear that it wasn't anything I could participate in, it was the
work of a moment to hit the delete button.

it was a saga, but a pottery-related saga.

Now as for the recipe requests...

Potting in West Sussex, UK.

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