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tongue in tyhe cheek to janna and leland.

updated wed 9 nov 05


Antoinette Badenhorst on tue 8 nov 05

Now see how you stirred up a storm in this Clayart mug! Shows you where =
mainstream is too strong to stop, it just goes on till it worked itself =
On a more serious note; sensitivity in all respects is the keyword for =
me. I
have to treat people the way I want to be treated; that is in all my =
and take in any aspect of my life. Respect your fellow clayarters and =
will respect you and let that be the keywords in any other relation. And
that by the way, to me is the "center" that so many of you mentioned.

Once again.Love yall! (How's that for becoming a Southerner?!)


Do you need sharp trimming tools that will not wear out quickly? Contact =
for information.=20

Antoinette Badenhorst

105 Westwood Circle

Saltillo MS, 38866

662 869 1651

