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again: archives

updated sat 12 nov 05


Taylor from Rockport on thu 10 nov 05

Hey Sandy:

I didn't see your initial inquiry. Sorry.

I don't know of any other archives. I do know that the list was owned by
others and run from another server before ACerS/Mel and co. took it over.
While there are other ways to access the posts, current and past, I am onl
familiar with the yahoo mirror(?) and this site:

I have a soft spot for the above because that is where I first learned of
Clayart and later made the aquaintance of David H, Arti farty, Tony bony,
Mama Lili and the list goes on.

Taylor, in Rockport TX

syrylyn on thu 10 nov 05

Are there any archives saved from before March of 1996? If so, where are
they? I remember there was mention of some other sites other than the
clayart archives, but I don't remember where they were.
It's been 2 days and no one has answered my inquiry. Does this mean there
are no other archives, or that no one know if there are any other archives?
And since no one has answered about anything archived before 1996, I will
state that I have some digests saved before 1996 that I could send to
someone, if they wanted to add them to the archives.
Thank you for any answers,
Sandy Meadors
"Magic Happens"

syrylyn on fri 11 nov 05

Thanks, I'll look on that one.
Sandy Meadors
"Magic Happens"

> >
> I didn't see your initial inquiry. Sorry.
> I don't know of any other archives. I do know that the list was owned by
> others and run from another server before ACerS/Mel and co. took it over.
> While there are other ways to access the posts, current and past, I am onl
> familiar with the yahoo mirror(?) and this site:
> I have a soft spot for the above because that is where I first learned of
> Clayart and later made the aquaintance of David H, Arti farty, Tony bony,
> Mama Lili and the list goes on.
> Taylor, in Rockport TX