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smoking terra sigillate in electric kiln

updated sun 13 nov 05


Joan Conklin on mon 14 nov 05

I am expermenting with smoking pots terra sigillata pots in my electric
kiln. It is working BUT what I would like is pots that don't turn out all
one colour. My white terra sigillata turned out a very even GRAY (no
variation at all). A nice gray but not really what I has wished. I did get
some variation when I used two different colours of terra sigillata. All of
these pots are hand build with high relief and texture.

My process was to wrap the pots in newspaper(one piece) and make a sagger
out of aluminum foil...a inner sagger and and outer one. The smoke stayed
well within the two aluminum saggers. I have had no smoke in my kiln. I
fired at 550F and did a hold of 2 hours at the top temperature...natural
cooling in my electric kiln. Only two packages per firing. I could almost do
this in my oven but I thought the kiln was a safer place.

I hope someone has tried this and has some advise on how to get variation.
Yes, I know I could do smoking in other ways (and I hope someday I can join
someone to do a pit firing) but not where I live are the other ways allowed
(no outside burning).

Thanks a million, Joan in Vancouver