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tucson clay festival and olympics sponsored by muse pottery

updated wed 16 nov 05


Maxine krasnow on tue 15 nov 05

just wanted to report to the group that the event was great success. It was great to see so many students learning so much and also enjoying themselves. We are already planning to host it again next year.

since we had great demonstrators, Hiro Tashima, from Pima College, Aurore Chabot, from University of Arizona, Jim Jones from Parks and Recreation, Nick Tranmer from Tucson Museum of Art, Barbara Kobler from Green Valley, we were confident the presentations would be well attended. We were less sure if people would participate in the Olympics. As it turned out, they did and it was great fun. For me the highlight was the ten minute tea pots. 7 people participated and the judge felt she couldn't choose so she had the audience vote. It began to feel like American elections, as soon as we had a winner, someone would switch their vote or someone else would vote - however it was all in good fun. What was extraordinary was how accomplished the 7 teapots were! The one that finally won (the prize was a$50 gift certificate to a great Greek restaurant) was handbuilt from strips of clay in Cone 5 B mix and looked like it could crawl across the table.

The day ended with Maurice Grossman giving a wonderful talk on the history of American Ceramics. We all went home tired and happy.

Unlike musicians who get to play together regularly - potters more often work in isolation. It was terrific for the demonstrators to get to see each other work and so many people in our clay community to get to see each other. It was well worth all the work it took to organize it and oh yes - mission accomplished - our studio raised the money to insulate our space, install a hot water heater and much need ceiling fans.

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