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nceca portland program

updated tue 29 nov 05


Barbara Brown on mon 28 nov 05

The NCECA Portland preliminary program is on the NCECA website at www.nce=
Scroll down to preliminary conference program and you can see what is sch=
eduled each day.
There are some great programs. The Randall session Thurs evening at 9pm =
is a concert by Brian Ransom and his Ceramic Ensemble using clay musical =
instruments with guest artist from Ghana, drummer Obo Addy. Brian came t=
o San Jose and gave a workshop on how to make the clay music instruments =
and then he and his group gave a concert at the Egyptian Museum in the pl=
anetarium. It was wonderful. I also have a tape of his music.
Thurs 8:30-10 panel on wood firing with Vince Pitelka, John Baymore and o=
Fri 11-12 Sylvia Hyman New Work
Frank Boyden will be one of the potters giving simultaneous demonstratio=
ns Thurs and Fri.. Xiaoping Luo will be on a panel on International Cera=
mics Thurs 10:30-12.
So print out the schedule, get out your highlighter and start marking wha=
t you'd like to see. It's going to be a great NCECA. The poster and regi=
stration form should be out in the next week or so.

Barbara Brown
1225 Manzano Way
Sunnyvale, Ca 94089