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clayart digest- oil painted pottery, dull result

updated wed 30 nov 05


Carolina Potter[Margaret] on tue 29 nov 05

Dear Bonnie,
You should not use acrylic over oil as it will peel off.You may have to=20
resort to sanding the oil off or sandblasting it away with a very fine grit=
oil might have not sank in had you sealed the surface with a compatible=20
sealer with the oil or possible even gesso.You could try a spray varnish fo=
r oils=20
before you try removing it to see if that enlivens the surface.Oils dry fro=
the inside out and usually varnish is not applied for months afterwards but=
if you fired this already, that may not be necessary.If you redo it with=20
acrylic I suggest you use this contact for tech support-
GOLDEN product, please contact Tech Support at=20
_techsupport@goldenpaints.com_ ( , 800-=
959-6543 / 607-847-6154 Mon. =E2=80=93=20
Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST or visit the _Technotes_=20
( section.=20
also you might check with -To contact Liquitex, _e-mail us_=20
( , or call 1-888-4ACRYLIC (=
_Sitemap_ ( s =20
_, =20 (http://www.liquit=,=20

I have no connection to them but have been to their workshops and find them=
very helpful and soultion result oriented.

Good luck.I love Boston and went to Mass Art and my ancient 1630's kin were=
from there .
Margaret Arial
In a message dated 11/29/2005 12:16:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, =20

Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 17:42:28 -0800
From: Judy Rohrbaugh
Subject: Re: Oil paint on clay looks dull - please help!

Bonnie, I don't know much about oil paint, but assuming that you can paint=20
over it with acrylic, I would say try that. Acrylic does not soak in.

Judy Rohrbaugh
Fine Art Stoneware

Bonnie Muir wrote:
I painted a large bisqued sculpture with oil paint and it looks completely=20
The color soaked in and looks quite dull.
I should have tested it first... as this is a piece for my thesis exhibit.
Is there any kind of finish/wax/etc. that I can use to add a sheen and brin=
back the colors?
Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Bonnie in Boston