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handle and composite form study

updated sat 10 dec 05


Elizabeth Priddy on fri 9 dec 05

Just goes to show that when you get excited about something,
you get movin.

I even want to go out and throw or build shapes that need handles.
Motivation comes from strange places.

If you haven't got it by 3 pm tomorrow, I need to get my money back.

the best part of this handle design is that you do it off the pot and
can attach it to any other pot. So the making of it is less complicated
since you don't have to deal with wrastlin' a breakable pot while
wranglin' basketry materials.

I have only made the one, but I tried it on a pot I had bisqued and then pulled
it off again to mail.

So, I hate to tell you, mel, but your handle there is used!
(just for a minute or two though)

I am claiming this handle design. It is officially, a Priddy Handle.
So there, I came through at the last minute, but 2005 wasn't a
complete bust in terms of making forward progress in working.
Because I have been after a handle like this for about three years

I will still weave them on some pots, as the holistic piece is
just a little better when you have it on the pot as you work, but you
could just as easily a) hold it up to it as you weave or b) make a
bunch of them of varying shapes and fit them later.

One project that is a good practice is to
using one or 1/2 lb balls each per unit

throw ten foot/body sections
throw ten body/lip sections
make ten handles all different shapes/lengths/widths

then put them out on a table in front of you and hand work the
parts you made into pots using stamps if you choose

you can't imagine the fun of this activity and the shapes you
will discover in the finished ten pieces.

and now I will add to it this part
make ten lug sets
make ten vine handles

complete as before. There are about 10 or 100 thousand possible
combinatons of this selection of parts. And the purpose of the
exercise is to open your mind up to new shapes.

then the follow up is to choose one of the resulting pots and make
ten of that. As you concentrate the form, something that is truly
in tune with your own aesthetic will result. This may seem like
work to some, but for my mind/type, it is a pleasurable way to
make pieces. The only trick is to keep the parts in a loose damp
box so that they will be at the same stage of dryness when you go
to join them. And only think about varying the part you are working
on while you throw, don't throw to finish one of the other pieces you
have. That will slow you down and can choke your creativity. The
time to vary the theme is in the follow-up ten pieces.

This is how I came across the pot on the opening page of my website.
I love that pot.

It's fat and jaunty and a happy form.


Elizabeth Priddy

Beaufort, NC - USA

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